DJ Combat

Chanbara - Foam "Whacker!" Sword - Medium

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Designed for unarmored full contact sparing. Head/eye protection recommended.

A great alternative to hard bokken.

Tip: To get extra longevity out of the foam. Coil 50mm electrical tape around the outside of it.

Made from polypropylene, with an outer softer foam layer. Tough, rigid and durable. Non-sharpened. Suitable for martial arts training, film props etc.

Some advantages over wooden training gear are,

Durability - Won’t split, rot or splinter. Made Tough. Great longevity.

Quality - A finely made product. No knots or imperfections like in timber.

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  • Total Length: 680mm
  • Blade Length: 445mm
  • Hilt Length: 235mm
  • Guard Diameter: 85mm
  • Total Weight: 326g
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