Promotions, Discount and Coupons Info

* All promotions, discounts and coupons have their own set of conditions.

* Currently only one discount code or coupon can be used at the check-out, per order at a time.

- Pick which one works best for you. We do not mind if you place multiple orders to take advantage of an offer.

* Discount codes and coupons are single usage per customer. Unless otherwise specified.

* Some promotions will stack with discount codes and coupons, others will not.

* Further info on "Pointy Points" Loyalty Rewards can be found here.

* Further conditions are outlaid in out terms and conditions can be found here.

You are welcome to go ahead place and order with any promotion, discount code or coupon and see what our shopping cart systems allows. 

If you have further questions please contact us.



- Get 10% back in store credit via out "Pointy Points" rewards program on total order dollar value spent.

- Customer must have an account to receive points credit.